12 Tricks to Correctly Optimize Title Tags for SEO

Title Tags are very important for SEO because title tag is one of the most important part in a blog or website, so we must have a knowledge on how you compose it. I'm writing here some SEO Tricks for Title tags.

[1] Title should reflect the content of the page

Your title will display in the search results. If we use Great title lot's of peoples will come through search engings. This will increase click rate on serch engins. also title be used  RSS readers, social bookmarks..etc.If title is not reflecting the content of your post or page, you will not get quality targeted traffic.

Examples for Good Titles. Compare the following examples:

<title>Web Design Blogs</title>
<title>Web design tutorials, freebies and SEO tips on Web Design Blog</title>

<title>SEO Plugins</title>


<title>Top 10 SEO Plugins for WordPress Sites</title>

[2] Use different titles on different pages

Never use same title on every page or blog post. It must be unique on every page

[3] Do not use too many keywords in your titles

Keywords are importatnt, But don't harvest Keywords ;) You should use only 2-3 Keyword phrases.

  • ExampleSite.com - Download Free Wallpapers for iPhones
  • Download Free wallpapers for your desktop, iPhone, iPad in different resoulutioojns

[4] Use your brand in page titles

Use your website/blog name or brand at the begining or end of your title on every post

Option 1: Search Engine Optimization Tips | Artical Base
Option 2: Search Engine Optimization Tips – Wikipedia
Option 3: Wikipedia: Search engine optimization and website promotion

[5] Try not use “stop-words” in the title

Stop words  have no value for search engins, usually stop-words are ignored by search engines,  Some of the stop-words: a, about, an, as, are, but, be, or, and, for and others.

[6] Proper title must contain your keywords

[7] Do not use too long page titles

Limit your title for 70 charectors, If your headline is more than 70, Google will automatically cut it and will add an ellipsis at the end. 

[8] Each word should not be repeated more than two times

Example for wrong title

Buy iPhone 3g, cases iPhone 3g, covers iPhone 3g, accessories iPhone 3G

This title looks like spam for search engines. In this case it is better to use the following title:

Buy iPhone 3g – covers, cases, accessories

[9] Most important keywords should be at the beginning of the title

[10] Use some patterns

[modifier1 keyword] + [keyword modifier2] = [modifier1 keyword modifier2]

 “Find work at home jobs” + “work at home jobs online” = “find work at home jobs online”.
 You should remember that by using long keywords, you can break the limit of 70 characters in your title tag.

[11] Do not use more than 8 words in your title

[12] Do not use special symbols

 Symbol  - Name
 & -  Ampersand
 © - Copyright symbol
 ® - Registered trademark
- Trademark symbol
 •  - Bold point
 § - Section-mark
 — - Dash
¤  - Generic currency sign
£ - Pound
- Euro symbol
° - Degree symbol
» - Right-sided double quotes
¼ - Simple fraction 

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